Wednesday May 10, 2017
The Paradox at the Heart of Christianity
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Our Gospel for this weekend is taken from the 14th chapter of the Gospel of John, which describes the farewell discourse of Jesus the night of the Last Supper. I believe that the distinctive texture of Christian faith is on particularly powerful display here. I might urge all of you to spend time with this farewell discourse during the Easter season.
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Apostolic Preaching
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Our first reading for this weekend, taken from the second chapter of Acts, conveys one of Peter’s great sermons. If we listen attentively, we can learn a lot about good preaching, but also a lot about the nature of Christianity.
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
The Pattern of Love
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Like the two disciples walking towards Emmaus, a symbol of worldly power and security, and away from Jerusalem, the center of sacrifice, we need to be stopped in our tracks. Christ appears to them, but they do not recognize him. They do not recognize him because they are walking the wrong way. The recognition of the pattern of Christ’s life does come until the Eucharistic act which presents the pattern of sacrificial love. Then they immediately go back to Jerusalem, the place of suffering love.
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
The Mystical Union of Christ and His Church
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Jesus has come to bring us the divine life. Under his influence we become peaceful, unafraid, evangelizing, and forgiving. Through the Church, saints are made. This is because Christ is at the very center of the Church.
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
And Now I See
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Tuesday Mar 21, 2017
Our Gospel story for this weekend is the narrative of the man born blind. In the Bible generally and in John particularly, sight is used as a metaphor for spiritual vision or faith. Therefore, the man born blind is every one of us, born in the state of original sin. The Church, through the sacraments, offers us the salve of Christ's Incarnation so we might be converted, healed, baptized, and attending Mass in right praise.
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
A Master Class in Evangelization
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
This Sunday we have the great privilege of hearing the story of the woman at the well, the definitive text on Christian evangelization. Take the time this week for a prayerful reading of this story and notice that as this woman seeks, she's already been found! If only we would surrender to the God who is already always pursuing us! Then, we might realize how the Everlasting Lord is the only one who can quench the otherwise unquenchable thirst of our hearts. Make the effort this Lent to clear a path and set down your old buckets so that the water of Christ's divine life can flow through you.
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Our magnificent first reading is a short passage from the beginning of the twelfth chapter of the book of Genesis. We see that at this point in the creation story jealousy, rivalry, anger, murder, imperialism, arrogance, drunkenness, indeed a wickedness has spread over the entire face of the earth. So what does God do? He sends a rescue operation! The rescue operation is going to come in the form of a people trained to listen again to the voice of the Lord. During this season of Lent we must also become a people trained to listen so as to be rescued by the Resurrection.
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Three Shortcuts from the Cross
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Our Gospel for the first Sunday of Lent covers the three "shortcuts" the Devil offered Jesus to lure him away from his central mission of the cross. The Devil chose these temptations because he knew that Jesus would not be primarily a social reformer, or a wonder-worker, or a political operator. He would be the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Knowing who Jesus is and what he is about is indispensable as we commence the Lenten season.
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Seek First the Kingdom of God
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
"Seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and the rest will be given to you." Make God the center of your life, and you will be spiritually ordered in Christ's image. If you make wealth and security your center, you will be empty. You make the choice: will God be your center?
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Be Holy, Be Perfect, Be a Temple
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Wednesday Feb 15, 2017
Each one of this week's readings speaks of holiness, letting the Divine Life enter into you so that you become set apart. To be holy is to love with a divine indifference, shining on the good and the bad alike. What a revolution this is! Think how different your life would be were you to love this way all the time, rather than measuring out your love based on merit. Dedicate your whole life to love and you will be truly holy, set apart, a sanctuary.